A Royal Secret: Book 1 (Bad Boy Princes of Malvidence)
A Royal Secret
The Bad Boy Princes of Malvidence #1
V. Vee
Copyright 2018©
Copyright 2018 © Vicktor Alexander Presents
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews, promotions, and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed: “Attention: Copyright Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below:
Vicktor Alexander Presents, LLC
V. Vee
5549 Black Hawk Lane
Lakeland, FL 33810
Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s creative imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.
Series Blurb
To the whole nation of Malvidence, King Callum and Queen Araminta Smythe are beyond blessed. They were gifted with five sons. Five very attractive, educated, well-built, healthy sons. Only the king and queen know how much of a nightmare having five, single, royal sons who are not even considering marriage and heirs actually is. And while women are constantly throwing themselves at the princes, the tabloids are filled with pages upon pages of just how many of those women are tossed aside for the next plaything. "The Bad Boy Princes of Malvidence" is what they are called, and they happily live up to their name. Their Royal Majesties look forward to the day when each of their sons settle down with an acceptable woman of class, education, prestige, breeding, and upbringing.
But what they get, and indeed the women the Princes begin to fall for, shakes the kingdom to its foundation.
Malvidence will never be the same.
Prince Algerone Smythe, Royal Heir to The Throne, has been keeping a secret. A very big, very dangerous secret. One that could cost him his place in the line of succession to the throne if it were ever discovered, but one that he could never give up or do without. He has been keeping this secret since he was twenty-four, and now, at the age of thirty-eight, his parents are pressing him to get married to a woman—no, a princess—of their choosing. Someone with class, breeding, the right connections, wealth, prestige, and upbringing. The king and queen of Malvidence want to ensure that Algerone, himself, has an heir, when he finally takes the throne after his father. However, Algerone cannot go along with his parents’ plans, and it’s all because of his secret.
Meet Valerie Hall: Prince Algerone’s secret. She is the love of his life, and fourteen years ago, the two of them had Valerie’s best friend, Laeticia, get ordained online so they could get married, after having a blissful summer together. And yes, Valerie knew Algerone was a prince when he left her at the end of the summer, but he’d assured her he would return. And he did. Four times a year. Every year. For fourteen years. During that time, Valerie has given birth to five of Algerone’s children, and now she’s pregnant with his sixth, living in a very large, but homey house, doing what she loves, without a care for expenses, when she hears about Algerone’s possible engagement to another woman. The shock sends Valerie into despair, and into the hospital, and Algerone comes racing to her side to take care of her and their children.
And now, his secret is at risk of no longer being a secret. Algerone wants to go public, to claim Valerie and their children, but someone is bound and determined to keep the royal secret, hidden in the darkness... permanently.
Genre: Contemporary, Interracial, Royal, Alpha, Bad Boy, BWWM, Pregnancy, “Single” Parent, Secret Relationship, Fantasy Kingdom, Secret Marriage
Family Lineages
The Royal Family of Malvidence
Algerone and Valerie Smythe
Family Tree of Valerie Hall
Map Of Malvidence and Surrounding Countries
A Royal Secret
Copyright 2018©
Series Blurb
Family Lineages
Algerone and Valerie Smythe
Family Tree of Valerie Hall
Map Of Malvidence and Surrounding Countries
Malvidence Language
The Hidden Bride
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
The Princess of Malvidence
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Thank You!
The Royal Nanny Preview
About The Author
Coming Soon
Malvidence Language
acika ka
throm ai
mu vrubrak
e ok
ai ora
ra/kra ek
thrai ora
ai ora
va ora
Thived isri-asshole
Kythrar gracvory-mother fucker
Raxrru- Hello
Mexoria Źeylήia-your Highness
Miora Ruga-My love
sōe dath-dea
r son
miora dath-my son
Kra’ek Źeylήia-His Highness
Vreik Plink-Kick Balls (game)
Pui loriv miora ruga, flackrae tnaxis yugs-Please don’t do this,our love is forever
Ravielo-wife (happiness, literally one’s happiness)
Thrumsee-husband(strength, literally one’s strength)
ra/kra ek-he/she is
V alerie Hall felt her heart pounding out a hard, Prince rhythm in her chest. She reached up, pulled, and tightened her thick, high, black, ponytail. She sent up one more prayer to G-d that her sew-in weave extensions would not get caught in this crazy idea, and rather dangerous-and as her mother and father called it, "non-black people's foolishness"-fall out, get tangled, or be yanked, and have her looking like a passenger on the Underground Railroad. Shaking her head mentally, she reprimanded herself. She’d definitely been spending way too much time with her younger sister if she was worrying more about her hair than her damn life, besides, she knew better than to make light of the struggles of her ancestors. My mother would have a conniption if she could’ve heard those thoughts. Then again, her mother would have gone straight to Temple had she’d seen Valerie in San Fermin, Spain about to engage in her current activity with her best friends.
Blowing out a long, slow breath, she leaned her head side to side and bounced on her toes, swinging her arms side to side, trying to psych herself up.
"Are you ready for this?" Caroline, one of her best friends, and the crazy one who had talked them all into this asked from next to her. Her blonde hair was secured into a tight bun at the back of her head and her face was flushed with excitement. Her green eyes shone with barely restrained glee as she rubbed her hands together.
" Hell. No. " Valerie retorted honestly.
"Seriously Caroline! Girl! What I'm the hell were you thinking? You hang out with four Nubian queens, three indigenous princesses, two Latina reinas, two Asian goddesses, and only one other Caucasian wonder woman. WHAT would make you suggest running with the damn bulls? Hello? You should be thinking more Wakanda and less... General Hospital," Valerie's petite, and very voluptuous friend, Laeticia, said with a chuckle.
"You ain't right, Teesh," Valerie laughed. "I think this could be fun. Provided we all get out of here alive. Besides, Carmina is Spanish, and this is a Spanish tradition. However," She turned to her friends and dramatically placed one hand on her forehead, while reaching out with the other. "If I don't make it. Tell my parents that I love them. Tell Jesse Williams to dream of me. Tell Jurnee Smollett: OH! What could have been! And tell Shemar Moore... Tell him, that I will always love him, and I should have said yes to his proposal!"
Valerie collapsed into false tears while Caroline pretended to console her.
"Aaaaand scene!” Payola said clapping her hands together like a director. Valerie and Caroline stood and bowed to their friends’ laughter and applause. Payola, whose parents had immigrated over from the Philippines when she was just six years old, had always dreamed of being a director and was always encouraging, manipulating, or bribing them into acting out skits, short films, and plays written by her girlfriend, Hurit, who was Cree and had dreams of being the highest paid Indigenous actress in history.
“I can’t believe you guys are acting so completely blasé about this!” Helen groused, tapping her slender foot. “We are about to run. With. The. Freaking. Bulls!”
Valerie glanced over at Laeticia. The two of them shared an unspoken communication before, without saying anything to any of their other friends, they pulled Helen away from their group to give them a semblance of privacy. Helen was a tall, slender, woman, with an hourglass figure. She was model material, and had, more than once been approached to be a model, especially with her full lips, caramel colored skin, thick hair, and light-brown eyes. But even more than that, there was an inherent innocence that shone through in Helen’s eyes and demeanor, especially in her speech. She didn’t use profanity, and though no one knew it, she was a virgin, and their trip to Spain was the first time the young woman had ever left Virginia. Helen’s parents had asked Valerie and Laeticia to look out for their youngest, and only daughter, of seven children, and they’d happily volunteered. Now, they had to calm her down before Helen’s fear and anxiety got her trampled and killed.
“Helen, sweet cakes,” Valerie said softly, cupping Helen’s face in her hands, which made Helen smile, “You have to ease your worry, okay? You aren’t the only one doing this. Teesh and I are right here with you.”
“Yeah, girl. You know we got you. ‘Sides, you think we gonna let somebody take you? Or some bull hurt you? Gurl! You know you the finest one here! How we s’posed to get free drinks at the bars and get all the men you don’t want, if you ain’t here?” Laeticia teased, bumping Helen’s hip, making Helen giggle.
Valerie rolled her eyes.
“What Teesh means is that, you are important to us. We won’t let anything happen to you. We will run alongside you, and the whole WWC is going to be surrounding you. You are going to be more protected than those princes from that one country that Ally’s always going on about. You know the one. The bad ones? That are always getting trouble?” Valerie said, holding Helen’s hand.
“Malvidence,” Helen offered.
Valerie nodded. “Exactly. Consider yourself an honorary princess of Malvidence today, okay? Besides, who’s going to help me set up for my gallery opening tomorrow? You know Teesh is going to ‘conveniently’ forget.”
Laeticia raised her eyebrows and feigned an innocent look. “Forget what?”
Valerie laughed. “See?”
Helen squared her shoulders. “Okay. I’m ready. Let’s do this. Let’s go run with some gee. Dee. Bulls!”
Helen stomped off like a warrior and Valerie felt pride filling her, even as she laughed at Laeticia’s muttered, “Just say god damn, Helen, c’mon. It’ll make you feel better.”
Valerie went to follow her friends but stopped when she felt a firm, but gentle touch on her wrist. Turning, she found herself looking up, and up, into the beautiful cobalt gaze of a very (and she did mean very. Like who is Shemar Moore, very) handsome stranger. Valerie swallowed the very thick lump of lust that rose suddenly in her throat and clenched her thighs.
“That was a very good thing you did just now,” the stranger said, his voice deep like a bass guitar, and rumbling through her body like a massage chair on pulsating.
Holy. Shit. Can you have an orgasm just from listening to someone talk? She asked herself as her panties dampened with the evidence of her arousal.
“Uh-um… Thank you. It was nothing. Sh-she’s my f-friend, it’s what you do,” she stammered.
The stranger smiled at her, his white teeth gleaming against his tanned skin and surprisingly plump, pink lips.
“Yes, well, not everyone is so apt to put aside their own entertainment for the comfort, sanity, and well-being of another. It is a quality to be commended when it is discovered,” he said, inclining his head in her direction in an almost regal way.
His words pricked at a particular pet peeve of Valerie’s and she found herself responding without thought. “Well, humanity on the whole can be grossly reprehensible. Which is why we have to treat and judge each person individually and not based on the stereotype or the percentage or ratio of general negativity.”
The stranger tilted back his head and laughed. Valerie blinked and covered her mouth. “Oh! I can’t believe I just said that!”
The stranger shook his head. “No. It was refreshing to hear your unvarnished thoughts. My name is Algerone. Perhaps after the run, I can take you out for a drink, or a meal, to show you that not all of mankind is completely hopeless?”
Valerie grinned sheepishly. “Valerie. And,” she glanced towards her friends, noticing that only Laeticia’s narrowed e
yed gaze was on her, “perhaps. We’ll see how I feel after the run. And if my friends and I survive.”
Algerone smiled. “Well, I guess I should make sure that you live if I want to see you again, should I not?”
“Seems like the smartest move,” Valerie laughed softly, before, with a small wave she made her way back to her friends.
Her heart was still pounding a Prince rhythm in her chest, but this time it was for an entirely different. She smiled. Maybe coming to Spain with her girlfriends to run with the bulls wasn’t the worst decision she’d ever made.
The Hidden Bride
Chapter One
Fourteen years later
Manchester, New Hampshire
V alerie heard the ding of her cellphone’s text message alert and groaned. She’d had another late night because little Dahni had decided that last night would be the perfect one for her to start trying to sneak out of her toddler bed and down the stairs. To do G-d knows what. But, with a house full of children, Valerie would have expected some help, and while her other kids were probably some of the most well-behaved ones out there—at least that she’d ever met—they were still kids and they liked to sleep.
Just as much as she did.
When the notification ding went off again, Valerie reached out a hand and tried to blindly search for it. She let out a gasp of pain and jumped slightly when she felt a hand—or a foot—connect with the side of her head. Realizing that her plans to go back to sleep at this point were so not going to happen, Valerie pushed back her covers and swung her legs off the bed, finally opening her eyes. She yawned as she glanced over her shoulders and noticed that she didn’t just have Dahni in her bed, but also the twins: Chikere and Chiamaka. Valerie smiled. She would have thought the six-year olds too old to climb into bed with her just because of a storm, but apparently, she’d been wrong.
Gripping her phone in her hand, she headed toward her luxurious bathroom, or as she called it—her sanctuary—it was the one and only place that she was not bothered by any of her five children. She knew if there was a real emergency that AJ would take care of his younger siblings. At thirteen years old he was already quite the mature young man.